(12-14 in/30-61 cm) The easy and economical way to grow the most popular herbs. One pellet contains several seeds and should fill a 4 in/10 cm pot quickly for trouble free sales.
(12-14 in/30-61 cm) The easy and economical way to grow the most popular
herbs. One pellet contains several seeds and should fill a 4 in/10 cm
pot quickly for trouble free sales.
Flavor is always better when cooked - use leaves sparinglywith a pinch of Thyme and Marjoram for flavoring roast pork.
CULTURE: An easy way to grow this popular herb. One pelletcontains 10-15 seeds and should fill a 4 in/10 cm pot quickly for trouble freecommercial sales or great transplants for Home Gardeners. Sow commercial potsindoors in late April @ one pellet per pot. Use Jiffy Mix or a loose moistsandy loam - plant each pellet 1/4 in/6 mm deep, cover and firm lightly.Seedling should germinate in about 21 days. Germinate pellets @ 65°F/18°C soiltemperature - keep moist. If commercial growers wish to use plugs rather thanpots - plug crop time is 4-5 weeks. Days from transplant to harvest finishedplugs is 3-5 weeks. Transplant pots or plugs in warm dry sandy soil outdoorswith lots of lime or chalk mixed into the outdoor soil area in late May orearly June. As plants mature, they produce semi-hardy shrub-like pine needle,grey fragrant foliage which is hardy in southern USA from zones 10-7. Plantsaverage 12-24 in/30-60 cm in height and require spacing 24 in/60 cm apart. Inmost parts of northern USA and Canada it is treated as a tender perennial andneeds straw protection to survive the winter months. In severely cold andsubzero temperature areas - plants must be taken indoors. Prune back plants insouthern USA each spring for more leafy shoots. It can also be used in tea fornumerous headaches, the preparation of soap, perfume, inhaled for asthma,throat infections, used in liniment ointment and in the production of vermouth.